Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Quick Updates

  • I have another flatmate now. He was born in England, grew up in Italy, near Venice, and is getting his PhD in… (I was distracted by preparing an ice pack) either anthropology or sociology. He says he works as an IT guy… but I had to show him how to set up the internet in his room. Michigan difference?
  • My flat backs up to a school yard (read: I will be getting woken up by screaming kids at recess fairly frequently).
  • I'm so happy that I already know 90% of the language and slang. I'm not making the rookie mistakes of calling bins "trash cans" or a duvet "a comforter".
  • I’m sick. It’s just an “airplane cold”, as I like to call them. I’m sure the rainy weather and sleeping without blankets don’t help, though. But, I’m so used to these from traveling that it almost seems routine.
  • I start classes tomorrow. I’m so excited!

Funny story:
My flatmate approached me and asked if I wanted to look for a job stripping with her. Not wanting to be rude in my response (different strokes for different folks), I said “Oh wow, thanks for the offer. I will be dancing all day for my course though, and I don’t want to increase my risk of injury by dancing all night too. Plus, I’m not sure my boyfriend would be cool with me stripping over here.” She deemed this a reasonable answer and asked me to let her know if I changed my mind. Don’t worry, family, I will not become a London stripper. I just might be living with one.

Monday, September 24, 2012

I'm Here and I'm Happy

I spent an amazing last few days in Ann Arbor and managed to see mostly everyone that I wanted to say goodbye to. I was reminded of how much I will miss sitting on a crowded, comfy couch, listening to music and watching FIFA, joking around at the mall, going out for dinner and drinks with old friends, or just sitting on the floor, talking to even older friends. I didn’t go out of my way to photograph most of these moments, but thankfully, someone else had the forethought to get at least a few pictures.

I boarded the plane in Detroit on the 21st and arrived over an hour early in Heathrow Airport on the morning of the 22nd. I spent a few hours in a terminal coffee shop with other international students, waiting for the transfer to Goldsmiths. The scene reminded me of art camp (read Blue Lake and/or Interlochen), and I immediately panicked about my decision to surround myself with people like this. Finally one girl arrived who I clicked with. “Did you go to Michigan?” she asked, staring at my Michigan Dance Team Competition t-shirt.
“Yeah, I did.”
“Oh. I graduated from OSU.” I heard her say as I noticed the red and white shirt she had on.
Ouch. Dreams of future friendship crushed. As we boarded the bus, we parted ways.

I drifted in and out of sleep for who knows how long, and eventually ended up getting dropped off at Ewen Henderson Court. When I got up to reception, I was told that there was a glitch and my room had already been given to someone else. They asked me to come behind the counter, into the office, where I sat, exhausted, trying to hold back tears (I felt like I was in elementary school again). Finally, they got everything sorted and I was given a room, where I promptly collapsed and rested well into the next afternoon.

Last night, my flatmates asked me to go to a standup comedy night at the student union with them. That was the first indication that we would get along just fine. The second was when we arrived at the union early and sat down to chat over our pints of cheap beer. I learned that one is from Manchester, has a degree in music performance, and is here to get her music administration masters. The other is originally from Atlanta, but has been living abroad in the UK and Germany for the past 4 years, and is here to get her masters in music and the mind. After general introductions, the conversation abruptly changed to world politics, then race issues, then gender issues, then gay rights, etc. These women are intelligent, well informed, and have a wonderful sense of humor. I had so much fun with them during the comedy night and then just hanging out and having our first “girl talk” in the union pub afterward as well.

Today, the three of us went to the grocery store and Tk Maxx to pick up essentials and tonight we’re having a chili and wine night (probably 2 of my favorite things).

I miss everyone at home so much. But, I am happy here.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


As I suspected, the questions and conversation about my move have increased exponentially as my leaving date approaches. Considering that I spend a substantial portion of every day explaining these topics, I decided that a "frequently asked questions" post might be useful.

I assume that all of you are capable of using Wikipedia and Google to find out general information about Goldsmiths, University of London and the surrounding areas. However, this video is a nice, optimistic overview of the area in which I will be living:

If you are wondering what my flat will be like, here is the info page for that:
Ewen Henderson Court

Long ago, I accepted the fact that very few people really know what a Dance Movement Psychotherapy MA is. Obviously, Wikipedia and Google could help you out here as well. I particularly enjoy this student overview of my program:

Also, I have to give a shout out to Michael Clauw for his blog post on the topic:
Dance Movement Therapy: A Fusion of Expressive Therapies

And finally, for my exceptionally lazy friends:
Wikipedia: Goldsmiths, University of London
Goldsmiths, University of London
Wikipedia: Dance Therapy

There, that should do it. Now stop asking me!!

To clarify: It's not that I don't love talking about all of this. However, the only way that I can function on a day to day basis (i.e. focus at work, enjoy time in the present with friends, etc.) is to shove all of this exciting stuff to the back of my mind. If you really do have more questions that aren't answered by any of these resources, please please please feel free to ask me. I feel extremely lucky and loved, knowing that I have so many people who care about where I'm going and what I'm doing :)